Week 7 – Video Resources


Week 7 -Primary Catholic Resource

The Journey to Social Inclusion

The Journey to Social Inclusion program transforms lives and ends homelessness in Australia. Our Journey to Social Inclusion (J2SI) program combines existing expertise, practices and infrastructure from both the social services and business sectors to create a powerful service response and break the cycle of long-term homelessness in Australia.– Sacred Heart Mission.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYaoTRn6bfU&t=65s(J2S) (Published 20 Dec 2018)

Secondary Catholic Resource

Ben’s story VincentCare Victoria

Ben became homeless due to domestic violence and also suffers from schizophrenia. He wants to raise awareness about how people with mental illness may face stigmas and how the line between having a home and not can change so quickly. In this touching interview, Ben generously opens up about how a series of bad events led him to Ozanam House and how he then transformed his life with our support. Now Ben is giving back as a volunteer at Ozanam House. When Ben says, “Every person needs joy and happiness in their life,” – we couldn’t agree more as we continue to provide services and programs for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and disadvantage.

https://youtu.be/284TO9rXiIc?t=233 (Published 4 Aug 2021)

Garry’s Story – Vincentcare

Having experienced homelessness after a mental breakdown himself, Garry wants to raise awareness regarding the stigmas around homelessness. He says, that not all people who are homeless are drug addicts or alcoholics or just come out of prison. Every single person’s journey is different. There are no two people that are the same, there could be a thousand reasons.

https://youtu.be/GKl66l5DrDQ?t=81 (Published 6 Aug 2021)

Week 7 – Primary Resource

Homelessness and Mental health – Interview with ABC

Vinnies CEO, John Falzon is interviewed by ABC News 24 for World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day. He says a home is not just a roof over ones head. It is also a place for a person to feel safe. We all need to feel a sense of control over our lives, We all need to have access to the essentials in our lives like a place to live, a place to work, a place to learn.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRX0cTtTfug&t=35 (Published 28 Oct 2015)

Week 7 – Secondary Resources

Mental health at home | How where you live affects your mental health

Living independently with a little support has a positive effect on Mental Health.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhnnECzHjPw&t=54s (Published 25 Oct 2016)

Homeless and mentally ill: Hilda’s story

Hilda says mental health is a big problem among the homeless population because they aren’t receiving treatment. She has tried living in shelters and housing situations, but she says it never works out because of her health conditions.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgblSeyh5nA&t=11s (Published 15 Nov 2018)