Deaf Liturgy

Mass, the Bible and the Sacraments

We are very happy to announce that we have started a youtube channel that will have weekly Gospel reading in Auslan. We hope that it will be helping the Catholic Deaf community in our faith journey. We started it to coincide with the start of Advent  Year A. And we will continue to publish one weekly, hopefully until we complete the cycle of year A, B, and C. You could subscribe to it so that you don’t miss out and feel free to forward it to anyone who would benefit from this:

There are also several other online tools that we’d like to share:

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Catholic Ministry:

The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference website encourages Church agencies and faith communities to discover and celebrate the beauty and strength of the Body of Christ by promoting participation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, including their families and friends in the life of the Church.

The Auslan Bible:

A project by the Bible Society to make The Word accessible for all Deaf christians. We hope it will be a wonderful resource for you!

Mass For You At Home:

The diocese’s weekly television production in partnership with the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference of Mass for You at Home (MFYAH) broadcasts around the country on Network Ten (6am) and Foxtel’s Aurora Channel 173 (10am) each Sunday morning. It is then available to watch on demand on Network Ten’s streaming platform and the new MFYAH website where you can also subscribe to the MFYAH YouTube channel.

Sacraments with People with Disability:

These guidelines have been published by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference under the guidance of the Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life with the assistance of the Australian Catholic Disability Council.