Week 4 – Video Resources



Climbing out of addiction and depression

Current research suggests that addiction and depression are symptoms of emotional distress, not causes of it, forging the link between childhood trauma and mental illness. Margo Talbot’s journey supports these studies. Diagnosed Bi Polar at age twenty-two, Margo spent the next fifteen years in suicidal depression before discovering the healing power of presence as the antidote to emotional trauma. Being present to our thoughts and emotions, not running the other way or masking them.

https://youtu.be/kayj6oew9_M?t=251 (Published 16 Nov 2013 )

Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Which Works Best

Dual Diagnosis is a when a person is having an addition problem as well as Mental illness. This has historically been more difficult to treat than having one or the other. Karl talks about integrated treatment and how is it found to be most effective.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0hw-XiSsDQ&t=100s (Published 28 Jul 2012)


Faces of Bipolar Disorder (PART 8) “DRUG & ALCOHOL Addiction – Dual Diagnosis

This video “Faces of Bipolar Disorder” covers everything from diagnosis, to the different types of Bipolar, major symptoms, and much more. If you have Bipolar Disorder and are abusing drugs or alcohol, this can add rocket fuel to the symptoms. Unfortunately, it’s estimated that around 50-60% of people who have Bipolar Disorder will experience drug or alcohol addiction in their lifetime. Alcohol being the most commonly abused substance among Bipolar individuals.

https://youtu.be/KfnptgDOvNo?t=379 (Published 12 Feb 2018)

Bipolar and alcohol | Jonny’s Mental Health Story

This is Jonny’s Mental Health Story. He talks about his ways of coping. His advice is to understand your illness, accept it and you can get over it. You can help beat the stigma by talking about it.

https://youtu.be/oBLf08RtCSw?t=112 (Published 3 Feb 2017)

Mental Illness or Addiction? How Do You Know Which Came First?

Mental illness and addiction are closely interrelated. We explain why finding a drug rehab centre that treats both the mental illness and the addiction can help avoid a relapse and increase the likelihood for successful treatment.

https://youtu.be/jAwcVJnISe0?t=33? (Published 20 Jun 2018)

Dual-Diagnosis: Mental Illness and Addiction

Drug addiction is a disease centred in the mind. Scientists and doctors know that prolonged abstinence from certain drugs allows some of the drug-induced brain changes to reverse themselves. For many addicts, though, treating substance abuse alone is not enough. Many addicts also have a co-occurring mental disorder in addition to drug problem. Substance Abuse often covers up these disorders leaving them undiagnosed and untreated. While patients are given life changing tools in any rehab, those that specialize in dual diagnosis can provide substantial benefits to patients.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdS3KO3Rl9Y (Published 3 June 2016)

Struggling With Addiction | Teens 101 | Real Families

Real Families brings you stories of modern day family life from around the world through the eyes of children, parents, and parenting experts.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzIbrOB_VRg (Published 18 September 2019)

How To Deal With A Teenager Using Drugs

Having to find out that your teenager is using drugs may cause a big state of shock especially to us parents. In this video, I’ve got Blu Robinson with me to help us deal with teenagers using drugs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAXM_TVkInA (Published 21 August 2018)